Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 months...oops

So....ya...I committed bloggy sin again...I haven't said anything for 4 months. Trust me, you didn't miss's what's happened the last 4 months...

September - was in Happy Days, the musical...kind of...wanted to shoot myself several times...and it mercifully ended.

October - in rehearsal for A Christmas Cactus...had mucho good times with mi amiga Lisa and some other homies...and not so

Found out my doctor I work for was leaving (might not have been in October...I don't remember, but for drama sake, I dubb it in October)...more sad times...wondered, "what the heck am I gonna do now??" LAME.

November - still in rehearsals...learned all my my wig in the mail and finally figured out what I was gonna More fun times with the homies...DOUBLE YAY!

Got shipped off to Texhoma clinic 3 days a week, where I perfected the art of doing nothing for hours on end and discovered what they did with all the really ugly art work. Got promised it was only for December. Tried to go back to the nursing home...they were fully staffed...double LAME.

Thanksgiving with E...super!

December - production of A Christmas went pretty good. YAY! followed by "show let-down"...booooooooo

Still got to go to Texhoma clinic one day a much for only lasting one month...BAH LAME!


My doctor left town to go to Florida making me thus very very sad....LAME

I devised a way out and transferred to another clinic....YAY!

I got to wear a heart monitor for 14 days and not take my heart medicine...super lame...but I didn't die so YAY.

That brings us up to current times where I leave tomorrow to spend New Year's Eve with E and we will party all night long...or until the bottle runs out...whatever...(the bottle is hers and has milk in it...I don't get a bottle lol) SUPER YAY!

The end.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Top 10 interesting things...

So, I have nothing to blog about...I know, you are so shocked. I've been living it up in work and endentured servanthood (just kidding, I'm not endentured...I have all my teeth)...oh ya and the nightly joy of pointlessness...woooo...enough of that.

To that end, and because I was randomly surfing around earlier, I will present you with my top 10 of interesting things on the web. Currently I have I'm gonna do some random surfing in a few minutes lol...we'll see what we come up with, k?

10. What top 10 awesome things on the internet would be complete without "I Heart Guts?" Hello...of course it has to be #10 because I've already told you about it about a billion times...oh plush uterus and blue are my friends.

9. Have to include my fav-o clothing store; though I haven't bought anything in a while...mostly 'cause I don't wear clothes (haha)...I heard someone say that one time in a store and thought it sounded funny, but as a nurse everyday, I don't wear "clothes"; I wear scrubs. I like scrubs, but I also like clothes...ah well.

8. Where else can you find out that Beyonce is pregnant and who is dead or on drugs...oh and how many times Kate (of William and) has worn the same shirt...really people?

7. Favorite site...should be higher than 7 probably...which makes me want to order some chocolate...or sunbutter...sunbutter is amazing if you didn't know...

6. Here's a link to a blog I follow...I find her interesting and her kid is adorable. It's a win win...

5. Crock Pot Girls...what? ya it's interesting. It would probably be more interesting if I actually owned a crock pot. They have some recipes on there...did you know you can make cake in a crock pot? Ya...that might be enough to get me to buy a crock pot because I love cake!

4. Another blog I follow that I enjoy. Man, everytime I open this blog it is cuter. I'm kinda jealous 'cause mine's not cute but I don't even have enough knowledge to make it cute, so I gotta just be jealous, I guess. Anyway...I heart this blog...check it out

3. Gotta find out what I can watch tonight on the Wii without turning the Wii on...straight to:

2. I go to this site every morning...more if there's a wootoff...They sell one thing everyday (again, unless there's a wootoff). It's usually nothing I want, and sometimes when I buy something I don't want it anyway lol, but I like to see what they have...everyday

1. What site do I go to more than any other...uggg...ya I have admit my addiction to social networking...

Well, that's it...a tour of my current favorite places on the internet. Now it is time to sleep and get ready for a super fabulous week or pray for patience...that might be a better use of my time...

Mini-vaca is slated for Friday...and I'm super excited because I need to leave town before I high five someone's face...I might have to go get my camera and take you on mini-vaca with me...wanna go? lol


Monday, August 1, 2011

nothing really...

So...I have nothing really legitimate to say...but I was trolling a few minutes ago and saw the perfect gift for every child learning the I heart guts placemat!!

Ok...first, it's sold no fear...second, there's a bunch of letters missing, so wouldn't that just confuse tiny humans?? you really want your child to learn "P" is for prostate and "T" is for testes?? You might have some 'splainin' to do at kindergarten parent-teachers...just saying. I guess there aren't guts for every letter?? Hmm...too tired to figure it out on my own.

Another fine and educational can get a blow up with the guts in their proper places? um...ya probably too educational. I still heart this site.

Speaking of mom's missing a few of hers. Surgery is finally done....little more complicated than originally intended, but isn't everything. We go back Friday to find out if they put everything back where it was supposed to go...oh wait, maybe I'm confused about the reason we're going...right new outlet mall...that's it...not.

Well...better hit the siesta button for this evening because I get to go to work tomorrow and then go make an idiot of myself at the theatre...yay me...I may take a pass on this one's under contemplation.

For now...xoxox

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm currently contemplating...though not ready to let the contemplation out because it's still messy in is too complicated the end it usually comes out broken and bruised but hopefully less messy than when it went in...I'm not even sure what that means.

To that are some things you can contemplate while you wait...pictureless and pretty most contemplations start out...

First...I stole this off of a friend's facebook post made me laugh and that's always good for something:


  1. Money cannot buy happiness but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than it is on a bicycle. Good point...especially in 115 degrees (hey that's what my car said) can cry much more comfortably inside a vehicle...and a Mercedes...well I wouldn't know about that...

  2. Forgive your enemy but remember the jerk's name. case you have to testify against him in court perhaps?

  3. Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble again. better not to help him so he'll leave you the heck alone?? Good policy.

  4. Many people are alive only because it’s illegal to shoot them. Ah, facebook status of a while back...this is so true...especially if you live in my hood and are exceptionally noisy's for another day.

  5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then neither does milk. What about osteoporosis?? But it's peace will not be found at the bottom of a milk glass, but WWIII might be found at the bottom of a bottle of tequila..who knows.

Good last thing to can think on the song I just listened's some totally copyrighted lyrics...

we’ve all got our burdens/our secrets and our shames,/we’ve all been discouraged/and watched love fall in flames,/and when we hit the bottom/of all that we can bear/and we need you

you’re rising like the morning sun/a pillar in the night/you looked into the void/and called it light/you are faithfully providing/for the trouble that we share/when we need you you’ve always been there

blessed are the poor/all around the world/your children/living under war and oppression/to the man of sorrows/they whisper up their prayers/and when they need you

and how do we know/in the dark of the night/to call out for You, Lord,/to come with Your light?/we were born with you written on our hearts/and that we need you

"Always Been There" by Caedmon's Call...

Monday, July 11, 2011

it's hot and I'm gonna break my neighbors fingers if he doesn't quit tapping on the wall...

Ok...I wrote an entire blog whining about other people...about people's friends on facebook that always reply to one up you, people that you don't even know in real life but they make you want to defriend your friend just so you don't have to listen to their holier than thou comments haha. I erased it.

Insert happy picture here...

Yup...that one always makes me giggle...good times.

Anyhoo...I get to go on "vacation" in one the illustrious OU Medical Center where my mom is having surgery. I're jealous...I could take pictures, but they won't let me in the OR so you'll have to do without. I'd take pictures of myself in the waiting room, but I fear I will not be alone and people will think I'm retarded. Wouldn't be the first time.

So,'s why we're going. I was trying to decide the other day if this was possibly the 2nd or 3rd worst thing to ever happen to our family. First is easy...Second I dunno about. I mean Alzheimer's is pretty brutal. I'd say if surgery turns out good, it's 3rd with the chance of being demoted for the flesh eating bacteria or just never know what's coming up next.

What do you think of this as an after-surgery gift??

It's on love the website "I Heart Guts"...It cracks me up.

Probably not, but it would be pretty awesome! I love that it's pink. You can buy any internal organ you want...well I didn't look for all of them. Who came up with this?? Brilliant!

But I digress...we will find out in surgery I guess how outta hand that little devil has gotten, but hopefully it kept it's cancer cooties to itself. That would be a favorable outcome, so to speak. If you do the prayin' thing, feel free.

Alright...I have nothing interesting to say honestly...but how often can you include pictures of plush uteruses in a blog...not very often.

Monday, June 27, 2011

nothing to say...

Well...I don't really have anything interesting to say...but I promised to post more than once a month, so I have to post something. To that's a cute picture...too bad I didn't have a better camera with me.

My family got bit by the cancer monkey but at least it's early and hopefully goes away and takes its banana with it...we'll see what July brings...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

couch to....other couch

So...if you know me, you know my favorite sport it used to be softball but I found that I am deficient in my super rad hitting skills that I used to possess...this causes me much sadness. I can still throw a ball hard and far, but come on..without hitting that's lame...and unless I can hit far I can't get to the base 'cause I'm...well...running impaired.

My brother is a runner. Word on the street...'cause I put it I think he's crazy. Secretly...(pause for a moment of reverence for the great confession)...I am amazed and think it's kinda cool. Not to watch, mind you...but it's like...idk...something I can't do...'cause I'd die.

{this is my brother...he runs...that's his wife...she runs too...}

Well...insert new plan....wait for it....


Ya...totally saw it on the internet...then heard about it on facebook...then again on I thought, what the heck. I have the couch part down pretty well at this point.

Chances are slim to none that I will ever run a 5K....probably more like none to none. But the couch to fridge plan isn't really working, so I better try something different.

Here's where my ingenious plan began...I was gonna run outside, but...well it's hot...and people might laugh at me lol...and the other thing is, I have a lot of things working against me...I'm afraid I'll be like, say, halfway around the lake and my knee will crack in half and I'll be crawl/dragging my wounded leg the rest of the way around the lake (ya mocking city) of my internal organs will explode (say my heart or lungs most likely) and I'll be lying on the ground dead...awkward for other runners/walkers. I figure inside my house, I'll be close enough to the couch that I can drag my bleeding carcass there before I die or can at least die with dignity on my living room floor for the paramedics to find when something starts stinking and someone realizes they haven't seen me in 5 months. hmmm...yummy.

SO...anyway...I have a Gazelle...which is like a glider almost elliptical like thing (you know...guy with the pony tail and steroids...back in the day). So, I started doing it on know glide slow when it says walk and glide fast when it says run...haha...I know right? I need to go outside. I actually get further on the odometer faster than just doing it straight.'s interesting...someday I'll get past level 1...maybe.

So...if you wanna get off the couch and fake run with me, here's the plan...come over to my house. You sit on the couch while I start my run/walk. Then, when I fall off or die, it's your turn. It's a good plan, no?

However, I am currently not residing at my palace because I'm at my mom's you'll have to wait til I get paroled for good behavior...or kicked out for bad's a toss up really.

My other plan was to stop eating chocolate and drinking soda, but come on...really? That's like asking the "Dance Moms" to stop yelling...have you watched that show? Really? really?! I know but it's like a train start watching and you have to keep watching to see how crazy that chick is gonna be...but I digress. Back to running...hmmm...ya I don't really have anything else to say on the subject, so I think I'll go sit on the couch and think about it some more while eating M&Ms and watching TV and contemplating becoming the kind of person who does something not.



forgive me follower for I have's been nearly a month since my blog...(isn't that how a confession goes? idk...i'm Baptist...I just go, 'dude, bad'...ok not exactly.)

So i have nothing novel or interesting to say, but I was reminded of my transgressions of not blogging recently.


So here's the thing...I have a job...they make me work everyday...I know super lame lol. Instead of 4 days off I have the standard 2 (Saturday and Sunday) except for the one weekend a month I work straight through and contemplate quitting sometime around Saturday at 1:30pm.

By the my new job...hate the 90 day probationary period where they force you to take days off but refuse to pay you for them (really 90 days is a long time...the way I go, I could be dead by then)...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting up at 7 am...ok maybe that was too many loves because realistically I would LOVE to the millionth power getting up at 1 pm...but that doesn't work in the real world, so 7am is better than 4:30am, evil manor gods...

I have not created anything interesting or crafty recently..but I have several half finished projects, which I cannot show you yet because they are gifts...and I hope I finish them by ya...tomorrow night?? yikes...I'm a slacker.

Wait...I did create this:

Well...technically...let's get real...God created the strawberries...Baker's created the chocolate...random bamboo hunters in panda bear country created the sticks...but I put them all together...just to see what it looked like...Then I took them apart and took the berries to work where they were eaten, so either everyone was hungry or they were good...or know whatever works. I could eat them everyday...but then I'd be on the couch to refrigerator plan instead of couch to 5K haha...('cause let's face it...I'm one step away from couch to refrigerator now...oops get out of my confessional)

So basically I have nothing else to share at this time. I did 5 hail Apples and a bloody mary and will try to never go more than a week without blogging...

(**disclaimer...I'm sorry if you're Catholic...I'm not making fun, I's for comedic emphasis...or hate me, whatever. )

(**disclaimer #2...Mom...i was just kidding about the bloody's bold and in color so that means it's the gospel truth)

Until next time...hopefully not 8 months from now...remind me on occasion)...xoxoxo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So...I had 3 people ask me about my blog and why I hadn't posted...I promised one of them I would today...but I've run into a snag...I have nothing to post about. I was hoping to have some super awesome pictures of last weekend...but I didn't take my camera out of the bag...I did take some with someone else's camera and the rest of the time it was just kinda busy...

Well...since then, nothing too exciting has happened...unless you count my phone turning into a little ball of fire in my pocket...that was exciting, but it has left me phone-less...uggg...I wanted to look at it so many times today...but it's dead...deader than dead...I'm pretty sure it's melted on the inside... I set...trying to come up with something interesting to blog about...and I've got nothing...I did learn this weekend that my hair hates humidity...well and needs my blow dryer...ugg...super super bad hair days! lol...maybe another reason I didn't take any pictures. I also got ahold of something I'm allergic to this weekend...nice itchy rash...mostly on my exposed skin so it has to be something my skin touched...wierdness...(I know that you didn't want to know about that)...but if you run into me, you probably will wonder why I'm wearing long sleeves and it's 90degrees)...

So...if you got past that and are still listening...for lack of anything interesting to blog's my latest isn't is barely started...but I'm working on it...

I'm making BABY BLOCKS...yay...I got these wooden blocks at Hobby Lobby for about $3 for a package of 6...good times.

Here's my start...I'm going light on the background colors so you can kinda still see the wood...I know you have no idea what I'm spelling lol...ok you probably do...but after they are done, they get covered with sealer and can be played with...or put on a shelf...or thrown at your little brother some day...YAY!

Well...that's all I know basically...I have a deep need of cleaning my apartment this weekend so hopefully that gets accomplished...We have to say goodbye to another friend this weekend too...

Two more days of work this week...I'm looking forward to sleeping in 'cause I missed that last weekend and I have to work next I'm taking advantage...I hope you aren't too disappointed in this one lol...I tried...


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

what a difference a year makes...

so....I was thinking about life know you do it too...and I was thinking about how many things have changed in the last few years...mostly this I'm gonna hit you up on the highlights...I know you are excited. (you will also be excited to know it has nothing to do with weddings or terrorists...though those things have changed too.)

#1...I graduated from RN school...ya that's right, I'm a fully fledged RN and almost a grown-up. Notice I say 'almost' because I refuse to fully grow up. You know how ol' Charlie Dickens said "it was the best of times it was the worst of times"? I'm pretty sure he was talking about nursing school. Man, that was the hardest 2 years of my life, but danged if I didn't make some great friends and I kinda miss it. (not the studying brain may never recover).

#2...Along those same jobbie has changed in the last year. First, at the nursing home, I found a love for those elderly people who make you laugh and frustrate the dickens out of you all in the same moment. They taught me stuff, and also made me sad with their passing. But, alas things keep on a changin' and now I work at a Dr's office where I get to sleep in 'til 7 and have a great time at work (most of the time). The days just keep flyin' by...still learning new things...still having fun. little brother became a dad...I know you are shocked by this, but he is old enough and he is In October, we got to meet this little girl, Ellarie Paige and as you can see, she had her daddy wrapped around her finger from day 1. Man, I like this kid...if you haven't noticed. I wish I could see her everyday.

and of course, Miss Ellarie has done some growin' and a changin'...I'm sure that she'll have done some more this weekend when we go see her. Of course, you'll see know I'm not shy with the pics.

#4...because of sweet Ellarie, my other brother ACTUALLY HELD A BABY!! What?!?! Ya I know, but here's photographic evidence. ( baby was harmed in the making of this picture and neither one of them cried.)'s been about a year since an unfortunate incident with a broken gate latch and a driver driving way too fast down a road and a puppy not having been in the world enough to know...Maggie Mae...I still kinda miss ya.

#6...I started a blog. As it turns out, this one...where I get to tell you things you may or may not care about...but the good thing about blog land is if you don't care, there's a handy dandy little "x" at the top right hand corner...and I won't even know if you click

#7...I learned to crochet...and you have been subjected to my creations ever since. Basically I got bored one day and figured it out...and have been figuring out new things ever since...don't worry, i'm sure there are more to come...though currently I'm giving my sewing machine a workout...You know, it comes in cycles...

#8...finally...well i don't really have anything else, but I really have this thing with odd numbers, so I'm gonna come up with something...I got nothing..but hey I survived another that's something! lol...not really a change, but hey...the world keeps spinning and I'm still on it...BONUS...

well, I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my world...really I couldn't think of anything to blog about today and since it's been a couple of days, I figured the one or two people reading it might be looking for something by now ;) lol...j/k.

If you're in the Panhandle area, you already know it's Pioneer free to partake in the festivities...I'm jetting out of town...Thank you Ellarie for an excuse to miss P.D. Ya, I'm a spoilie sport. I'd also like to give a shout out to the doctor I work for for not allowing us to dress saves me from having to come up with a reason I cannot...I think it could be medical...i'm allergic to boots.

Well...that's it for now...I'll try to come up with something more interesting next time...maybe a dissertation on why I hate peas...ah...maybe not. xoxoxo

Monday, May 2, 2011

as the world turns...turn baby turn

Funny isn't it? The world can change in an instant. Someone you love is wisked away....someone you don't love is wisked away. Death is a part of life...every day you live you're one day closer to dying...depressing huh? Well, depends on how you look at it.

If you know where you're headed, it's all good. Death is just the next step in a journey. Sure, I've never been there before, but it's okay 'cause I trust that God knows where he's taking me...after all he's been preparing it for me, he promised.

Anyway...if you've been reading, you know we lost a favorite resident last week. Her funeral was Saturday and we said goodbye...she looked peaceful...almost a smirk on her face that was so characteristically her. All was well with her soul...

Yesterday, someone else died...can't say that I'll miss him, but it's funny how his death affected the whole world. Yes, I'm sure you've heard by now, Osama was killed. Here's how I found out...I got bored with facebook land, and went to unwind with a friendly game of Angry Birds...Rio no less...and probably played for about 30 minutes or so...all was well with the world when I left facebook land. Well, I decided thereafter to go to bed, but I wanted to check facebook land one more time before I slumbered (I's an addiction which I tried to break by deactivating my account for a time but people thought I was killing myself and it didn't work out, but that's a story for another day)...anyway, I got on facebook and all over was the news.

That's a shocker...All I did was play some Angry Birds and the world changed.

Now, how does this affect me?? Well, it has yet to be seen. I've seen several reactions to the news. Some people are glad he's dead, rejoicing even...some people are mad at Obama now 'cause of some speech I didn't watch (lol)...and still others are scared now. I'm not sure I'm any of these things. Yes, I'm glad the threat is gone, but I dunno if I can cheer over anyone's death. I'm not mad at Obama 'cause I didn't particularly like him to begin with and like I said I didn't watch the speech. Am I scared?? I dunno...not really yet. I mean sure the threat of retalliation is real. But, my God is still in control and if that's how I'm going out, I'm down.

I figure I just keep living my life...after all he "has not given us a spirit of fear"...I kinda hope nothing terrible happens and it would be nice to have a little peace on earth for a while, but I'm not holding my breath. Just waiting...and watching.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday crafty time...

Well, this afternoon after church, I was sitting around being bored...nothing was on I thought hmmm...I haven't made anything in a while. I had been seeing bibs and such around the internet world, and I have several friends having babies, so I thought I'd see what I could do.

Several people were selling patterns to bibs...I found this humerous. I just went to the dollar store, bought a bib, and used it for sizing lol...My bib was $1...your pattern was more. Also since I live in the mid of nowhere, there are no fabric stores, and Walmart didn't have terry cloth, so I bought a package of 9 washrags for $3...nice!

Here's the final outcome of both a bib and a small burp rag. Don't judge my sewing skills...I really have none lol and this was my first'll get better.

Close up of the burp rag...

Close up of the has velcro fasteners (if you care lol)

In other news, I got my hair cut Friday at 3 Wild Hairs in Guymon...She did good work...I just went in there and said, I don't care what you do, really, just make it look good. (It looks better than this picture, in person...this was at the end of a windy day lol...and I'm not super photogenic.)

Last night, I went to see "Water for Elephants" at the theatre (by myself...but anyway) was a good movie...I liked it. I like going to the movies...I need to find a movie buddy...going solo is kinda lame, but it was worth it.

As we speak, my upstairs friend is preparing for marching band I think....idk...I've never met anyone who cannot just sit still...seriously...he paces until he goes to bed...crazy.

Well I don't know what other wisdom to impart you with, so I guess that's all for now...worky work tomorrow...xoxoxo

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Look at the headlines....

"Join at 5 am for everything royal wedding"...(ya no...i don't join work at 5 am anymore because I don't do 5 am...thanks for the offer though).

"Who's who at the Queen's exclusive dinner"...(um...I don't think I was invited...)

"5 things to watch for at the royal wedding"...(#1 a white dress...#2 a prince or several...#3 someone will undoubtedly pick their nose...#4 there will be flowers...#5 someone in attendance will regret being there)

"Prince William: I hope I'm not too nervous"...(just like every other groom, you will be)

"Prince William to wear striking Irish Guard uniform at wedding"...(well I guess that's better than a Scottish kilt in the Scottish way)

"Kate Middleton 'confident' doing her own makeup"...(good for you...I'm pretty confident in doing my own too...and in 5 minutes or less...yay us!)

"see how the couple spent their last evening apart before the big day"...(uh...why?)

Seriously...I know a "royal wedding" is a big deal...say in England. I mean, we aren't a territory of England any more...these people are not our BFFs...why should we care how many times they passed gas today??

I understand back in the back back in the day...when the fate of the peace of the world rested upon who was in the monarchy. I mean who the future king married mattered, but it was more of a political decision than for love. They married to make sure they were at peace with a certain country and monarchs used their children as pawns in their political game. Not anymore...

The headlines are funny...I didn't realize Prince William was the most eligible bachelor...shoot...I missed my chance at being a princess...did any of you really think you were in line? I've never met the guy.

The media is out of control...we weren't really invited to the wedding, yet we're privy to every detail, like it or not. The news shows are innundated with one thing after another involving the "wedding". It's too much. Maybe they'll have a reality show..."william and kate plus the queen mum"...ya probably not...well hopefully not.

Our culture honestly has gotten to the point where we need to mind our own business...we think that we deserve to know about everyone's lives...from strangers on the "Real World" to wannabe singers on "American Idol" to a Prince from England.

Everything surrounds this wedding...even this blog today lol. Hopefully soon it'll be over and we can get back to our normal lives of eavesdropping on "7 strangers" and "Audrina" and all the other "real" people in our lives...until then...enjoy your royal wedding...I think I'm not gonna attend....xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It never gets easier...

So, if you've been following or just passing through you know I got a new job. For over 2 1/2 years I worked at the nursing home. Truthfully, some of those people still have my heart.

Of course you love them all, I mean God tells you to right? But there are those that are more special to you. This morning I found out we lost one of those special ones.

There was a previous one that died that really broke our hearts and I had someone say to me, well it's a nursing home; you have to expect they are going to we were dumb for being touched by their passing. Yes, we know that they are going to die, but when you work with a person, helping them with some of their most intimate requirements and listening to their problems and stories, they leave a hole in your life when they go. I think it's only human to mourn their passing. If you question our grief, then you don't understand. After all, for some of us, these people are closer than grandparents.

Anyway...this woman lit up the entire nursing home with her sparkling personality (and sometimes her sparkly red I'll miss that one could pull it off but her...). She was a little wild at times, in her conversation and her driving skills (she had a motorized wheelchair), but she had a heart of gold.

She was always glad to see you in the morning and stopped to talk you all throughout the day and to almost everyone else. She was one of those people who could warm up almost anyone. She could even make the most contankerous of residents smile. She sure made us laugh a lot...and I am honored to have called her a friend.

Everyone at the nursing home is touched by her passing in some way. Several people have said there's no reason to go to work anymore. Of course there is...there are others who need us and who light up our lives, but it'll be a lot dimmer around there.

The place won't be anywhere near the same without you, buddy. You always wanted to go
out dancing and to walk around again...I bet now you are. Who knows what other mischief you are getting into up there in Heaven, but I know you are there...walking around and having the best time anyone ever had...I'll miss ya...we all will...but I'm glad you're home...


Friday, April 22, 2011

I'm fine...thanks for's been a while. Sorry about that...caught a little strep bug and was super busy this week...and slept a lot when I wasn't...

So today, I'm going to blog about something that has happened to me about 4 times in the last two weeks...

Do you have family members that are "famous"?? LOL...I apparently do. It has happened ever since we became adults, but now that I'm around more, it happens used to offend me a little, but now I think it's really really funny....let me tell you about it...

Well, the first time it happened I was in a store checking out...the lady didn't say much to me except for the price. When I gave her my credit card, she looked at my name and said, "Hey, how's your brother?" I gave my standard response to that question...'which one?' Of course usually it's the one who doesn't live here, but sometimes not.

You can tell if it's someone who doesn't really know my family, just my brothers, because when I say "which one" they get really confused...sometimes they say, "Um...your brother." like I'm slow..."um ya there are two"...My other favorite response is, "your older brother." What?!? I have an older brother?? Shoot then there are 3...ya I don't have an older brother. One's older than the other of course, but I'm the oldest. Of course, I know they are talking about the big ol' brother bear there because one is bigger than the other so they assume he's older than all of us.

I think it's funny 'cause usually they don't once ask me how I am or what I'm generally surround what they are doing. Sometimes I hear "Hey, you're Hillman's sister...I partied with your brother yesterday." I know which one they are talking about....that's brother bear again....

"What's your little brother doing?" always refers to Jon-boy...'cause no one would refer to the other one as little.

It happens, work,'s cool though. I mean I didn't even know the lady in the store, so why would she care what I was doing? lol.

It happened again the other night...someone called to ask me when my brother was coming have no idea...he doesn't clear his travel plans through my travel (They did go on to talk to me for a little it was okay.)

I did have someone come up to me recently to ask me how I was doing...sort of. I was at church and someone came up and said, "Hey! Good to see you! How's Oklahoma City?" I thought that was a weird question, but I had been there in the last month, so I answered, "It's good..." I mean to my knowledge there aren't any out of the ordinary things that would make it not good lol. Then that person asked, "where are you working now?" Not a weird question 'cause I changed jobs in the last 2 weeks. "At a doctor's office." He said, "That's it a single practice or several doctors?" I told him the name of the doctor (a local doctor) and pointed in that general direction. He looked puzzled and said, "Oh...I thought you moved..." I said, "no"...and he walked away...dang I guess I'd be cooler if I lived somewhere else

Now don't get me wrong I love my brother people...I just find this funny 'cause it happens all the time. You can still come up to me and ask me about my brothers, but hey, ask me about me too, ok?

On another subject...I'm older than I's kind of flattering I guess, but I'm not old enough to really care yet, I don't think. I had a patient this week that saw the "RN" on my name badge from the hospital...

"You're don't look old enough to be an RN though" she said.

While I'm not sure how old an RN is supposed to be or look, I answered...
"I'm 34."

She said, "Wow...that will come in handy one day!"

"What will?" I asked

"Looking a lot younger than you are."

hmmm...I'll take that as a compliment I

Well, that's it...I gotta go to bed early, 'cause I'm heading back to the pit in the morning for the weekend...we'll see how 13 full days of work goes...yikes.

For now...xoxo

Monday, April 18, 2011


Happy Monday! I know...Monday's Monday was okay. I was tired 'cause I couldn't sleep last night...bah....but other than that it was good good...

Here's a project I started yesterday. It's a tray spray painted and with the center covered with cloth. Want to make your own? Go here for a tutorial by a smart person...(I mean I did it right?) lol ...the best news is the tray came from the Dollar it was $1...woohoo. I think it's cute...I had the fabric already but I think it came from Walmart...(or Hobby Lobby...maybe I should keep things separate so I know for sure).

(PS...there's birthday bash going on at the site above...I'm pretty excited, so you should go there too.)

This weekend I pretty much did nothing...I crafted a little, but nothing too exciting. I bought the new Harry Potter on DVD...I watched it while doing something else...realized I had no idea what happened...watched it again the next day, but halfway through the ADD hit again and I started doing something else and forgot to pay attention again. So...yesterday, I took it into my room and watched it shut up in there where there was nothing else to distract was interesting, but not the best ever...I think I need to read the book again.

Then, this evening I made this green necklace with the crochet flowers I showed you before in brown...(oh ya, that's another tray but it's the first one I did and I did a bad cutting kindergarten bad lol so it's not real good lol)

This weekend I have my weekend at my old job, so for all intents and purposes I am going to attempt to work 12 days in a row...I may be cranky lol just a warning.

Well that's all I know for now...xoxo

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Saturday!!

Well my friends...I have had quite a day of's kinda nice...I have to work next weekend, so it might be kinda hard to do after realizing how fun being off on the weekend is... Well for today, I have another glimpse into some things I love today... First...I made this necklace using the tutorial I found here. Super easy and I mostly like the way it turned out. I need to figure out how to not touch the hot glue so that there are white patches on the front from where I touched the glue...ah and time it'll be better. Next up...a new scent from Bath & Body Works...ya one of my favorite stores...
Country smells amazing...I will have to pick up the full sized after payday...(love payday). If you live near a B&BW, go sniff's divine.

Another fabulous find...OPI Nail polish...not that it's a new find, but I LOVE it! This particilar shade is called "Party in My Cabana" if...but it's a good color. The little bottle is something I've never tried before, "Drip Dry" has a dropper in it and you drop one or two drops onto your fingernail and it speeds up the drying process...awesome! I love this because I lack patience...big time...and I always ruin the polish before it's dry...but today...did not!! yay!! Good stuff that is...try it out!

Finally...someone I love everyday...Miss Ellarie, my niece...I think she is super cute!

Don't worry, Ellarie...Auntie Leah will come see you in 2 weeks when you have your baby dedication...YAY! I am very excited and I know you are too...(ps...I ordered a pike pass because on my last trip the toll booths annoyed it comes before we leave.)

Well...that's all I know...I'm watching a movie about date violence on is so nothing on tv...I bought the new Harry Potter yesterday...I may have to bust it out.

Tomorrow church...yay...hope you've had a great weekend...xoxo

Friday, April 15, 2011


Perhaps I will rename a section of the blog....the trials and tribs of a downstairs neighbor...but before I get to that...let me tell you something else that's annoying...almost but not quite as much so...

Gas prices...ya I know...everyone complains about gas prices...and I am pretty sure I noticed that it raised again after this sign. I think it's crazy that we are paying this much. Not to sound old or anything, but I remember when it went over a dollar and we were like NO WAY!! I also remember the time I could get back to OKC on $10 or less...'cause I came home a few times because I had no money and if I came home my mom gave me $20 for gas and it only took $10...walla...$10...okay that's a stupid reason to come home...but when you are a poor college student, rationale kind of goes out the window sometimes.

And now for the latest in the battle for some semblance of peace and quiet...a battle lost long ago...

I originally set out to take pictures of things that annoyed me...thus the previous picture and this picture...and I have a picture of a stoplight somewhere. But this evening as I listen to a tiny human run laps on my ceiling (really where are these children coming from??) I am left to wonder what people that live upstairs are really thinking...pretty much I think they only are thinking of themselves.

It's been particularly terrible tonight...these stairs here are metal...the tiny human was outside (for goodness knows what reason) and was throwing something hard over and over down these stairs...ya it's as pleasant as it sounds. After a little while, my dog decided she wanted to go outside (probably to investigate the insanity), so I was going to take her, and opened my door to find the guy from upstairs and a woman (I guess tiny human's mother person) at the bottom of the stairs and tiny human at the top...they were having some measure of "discussion" and returning the object being thrown to tiny human, while ignoring it. Seriously? Do you have no concept of how annoying that sound truly is. (by the way tiny human was super excited at the sight of my dog so to avoid having it come down the stairs, I just brought my dog back inside...hopefully we'll make it back out soon).

Maybe they realized that their makeshift party was not amusing to anyone, but shortly thereafter they took it back inside...great for other people, but way not fun for their downstairs neighbor...ME. Ya...tiny human started sprinting around the house, presumably got in trouble, and then started screaming and crying...yay more good times. (by the way it was now 9:45 at night...don't tiny humans have bedtimes?)

Well...the crying stopped eventually...its and mine...and then the construction work started...I don't think it was real construction work but it sure sounded like it. Someone is hammering something or maybe tiny human is pounding on the floor...dunno...wish it would stop.

AHHHH....crying again...anybody want to guess what it pick me...perhaps SLEEP????

It is now 10:07 p.m. by the clock in the corner of this screen. Tiny human is beating on the floor, the washing machine just started, and size 45 is pacing. ('s theoretically against the rules to run the washer after guy never got that memo 'cause he does it every night). Oh, yay! Must move...must isn't up til July.

Apparently tiny human is spending the night again...goodie...Anybody got a spare room?? or a muzzle? (Either that or mother person doesn't care how long she keeps tiny human out at night...but that wouldn't suprise me either...)

Here's the thing...I know I'm not the only one. Several of my friends have amazing neighbors just like I do. (heck we haven't even started on "slams the door everytime he enters or exits" guy). I don't understand why people who live in upstairs apartments are led to believe no one hears them. Some people should probably admit to themselves that they don't belong upstairs and request to always have downstairs apartments. These people are prime examples.

I wonder if you can request to break your lease for health and safety reasons...such as lack of ability to sleep through the night because a tiny human cannot, lack of relaxation because at any moment the ceiling might collapse and I don't really want them in my living room, and lack of common decency that all upstairs neighbors need to have but seem to not.

Well...I promise to next time find something uplifting to share...hopefully tiny human and clan will go on a month-long vacation...or move....until then....xoxoxo

Thursday, April 14, 2011 day I've seen people "Day in the Life" a ton of things...their children, their plants (kinda boring)...etc...I'm sure someone has done their pets before, but here ya go anyway...I was going to do a top 10 list of things I don't like, but trains never come when I want them to....


This is me...Princess...I kinda like the fact that my person never makes the bed because I'd rather sleep on the sheets fact, once she did that "making the bed" thing, but no worries...I fixed it while she was gone and put it back like this...The thing is I'm pretty old (12 or so) and I really would rather not go to all the work. I pretty much do this all day while my person goes out and does whatever she does...

The good news is she leaves me these containers right there with some yummy crunchiness right next to the favorite are those red balls (I know you think I'm color blind, but I'm not)...

My next task of the day takes place, usually at night....

Here's the thing...I don't like sharing my bed with my person, but there is a lovely white rug in the bathroom...I figured out with my feet I can wad it up and make it more comfortable...I don't understand why she keeps straightening takes me a lot of work to get it like I like it...

Later, I go into the kitchen, just to make sure everything still checks out...and there's not something wonderful laying around that I need...usually there isn't 'cause my person doesn't really do that "cooking" thing...hmmmm....we need to work on that....

This stick thing...AMAZING! I request one daily but I really only get it about once a week...again, something we need to work on...

Here's a rare treat...see I LOVE to go outside...but my person moved us to this place with no outside...I mean I guess there is one, but you have to chain up to go there...*dislike*...There is this box through a sliding door where I can go look at outside, but I can't figure out how to get to I'll show you...

Ya, that's what outside looks like under the crack underneath my box...I can't quite fit under there though...anybody have any ideas??

Alright, well...I pretty much have nothing else to share with you because that's pretty much the sum total of my day...occasionally I get to go somewhere, but really it's just this mostly...and I kinda like it.

Ok...get outta here...I'm ready to resume my naptime...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I am amused recently (not haha amused...just hmm that's wierd amused) by the fact that pretty much everyone I know fits into one of 3 categories:

1 - recently had or acquired a baby (recently as in 6 months or less)

2 - expecting a baby...with or without trying...

3 - wanting a baby really bad, but seeming to face obstacles.

It seems like almost every blog I've read recently surrounds a tiny human...strange. In even more strange developments, the guy who lives upstairs (who we less than affectionately refer to as Mr. Stompy-pants because I'm pretty sure he has size 45 tap shoes and has quite a case of the lead-foot) somehow acquired a baby. I've never seen a woman, but it was rather disconcerting to wake up to the sound of a screaming tiny human at 2 a.m. (which by the way is one of my main adversions to having these little people around all the time...I like dog understands this, but I doubt a small person would.)

Now, lest you think I'm a horrible person, I don't have a problem with children. I love my neice to pieces and I love to go see her...I even like her when she cries. I also am glad for those friends who are having babies and I hope those who are trying find success and heck I even like seeing pictures of the little things later lol...'cause let's face it, babies are (*mostly*) cute.

I think I've decided I need sleep more than I need one and I like to spend my money on me...sorry. Therefore, if God decides I need one, then he's going to have to find an understanding father for it too that wants to get up in the middle of the night...oh and can cook and likes to clean and is housebroken and well...there's too many *selfish* 'ands'...maybe I just need a housekeeper...

(by the way...If you need a me...I have no definitive life and I'll prove I don't hate children that I don't have to live with ;) lol)

Anyway...I really didn't have anything to blog about and I just found out someone else is pregnant (lol) so I was the way, the upstairs baby disappeared (or was muzzled) because I haven't heard it again...thank goodness...I don't think upstairs people should have babies, or big dogs, or big feet, or tap shoes....or an affinity for doing laundry at 11 p.m. oh but the list there keeps growing too...bah...I need my own house or a rental house...but it needs to have a garden tub so I can float away to they make clawfoot garden tubs??

On other fronts, love my new job...granted I've been there for 2 days and it's probably like a honeymoon period and people will stop being nice soon...who knows...but it's been super busy but I like it...I kinda like looking up and going "wow 4:00 pm...I thought I just got back from lunch"...oh and I like GOING to lunch...not that I don't love nursing home me on chocolate cake and chicken day and I'll come

Well...I guess that's all I know for now...xoxo

(ps...that picture has nothing to do with anything, but I didn't have a picture to go with this blog and it was on my computer. It's me and my super cool brother-bear from when I was probably like 3 or so...and my amazing Wonder Woman swim suit...I wonder if I could find that in a big girl version...ah probably not...)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

all matters of fun and nonsense...

What I've been up to this week....if you wanted to know...

Well...first off I have acquired this that was the specialty board in the play, "Death by Chocolate"...I like it...I decided to put it in my kitchen. It was written on by chalk and I decided I was going to cover it with Modge Podge to protect move (lol)...Modge Podge being a wet substance, like other wet substances...say water, completely erased my DUH! Oh man...I can't believe I never gave that a seemed like such a good idea before I did I took some paint and fixed it...but still...word to the wise (like you probably need it) don't cover chalk with anything

So anyway...someone asked me to make them some clip on I did...not that they are anything spectacular but you may occupied about 5 minutes of my week...

Next project ahead....well I decided to make a dishrag...I got some yarn for my birthday (ya I'm older again)...and I used this checkerboard pattern that I am fond of...I kinda like could probably be a washrag...who knows...I like to color too...

*didn't make it...but here you go*

Well, as I said, this week contained my birthday (Thursday) and I received a WoodWick candle (not this one, but a scrumptious peach one)...I've always wondered about them and I have several diffusers that I love...after I got the peach one, which I have in my bathroom, I bought this green one which I put in my kitchen...yum! They both smell amazing...and I like the way they sound like a fireplace...

**speaking of fire...pray for rain if you think about it...this part of the country is way too dry and there have been way too many fires...WE NEED RAIN!

One last thing I've been up to (no not seeing the worlds most beautiful baby again...I wish...but that will have to wait for next month)...I've been creating some more of these fabulous flowers...eventually I'll probably put them on etsy, but I haven't gotten it accomplished yet. I've been trying different patterns and I have some that are only 2 levels, which are also lovely...pretty much anything would look cute on this baby's head, but they are super cute if I do say so myself lol.

Well...that's about it...tomorrow I have to go to work and then Monday I start at my new jobbie!! Excited...praying that it will be least most of the time...I'm looking forward to something new...even if I'll miss the adventures.

That's all from the nut farm...xoxoxo