Sunday, August 28, 2011

Top 10 interesting things...

So, I have nothing to blog about...I know, you are so shocked. I've been living it up in work and endentured servanthood (just kidding, I'm not endentured...I have all my teeth)...oh ya and the nightly joy of pointlessness...woooo...enough of that.

To that end, and because I was randomly surfing around earlier, I will present you with my top 10 of interesting things on the web. Currently I have I'm gonna do some random surfing in a few minutes lol...we'll see what we come up with, k?

10. What top 10 awesome things on the internet would be complete without "I Heart Guts?" Hello...of course it has to be #10 because I've already told you about it about a billion times...oh plush uterus and blue are my friends.

9. Have to include my fav-o clothing store; though I haven't bought anything in a while...mostly 'cause I don't wear clothes (haha)...I heard someone say that one time in a store and thought it sounded funny, but as a nurse everyday, I don't wear "clothes"; I wear scrubs. I like scrubs, but I also like clothes...ah well.

8. Where else can you find out that Beyonce is pregnant and who is dead or on drugs...oh and how many times Kate (of William and) has worn the same shirt...really people?

7. Favorite site...should be higher than 7 probably...which makes me want to order some chocolate...or sunbutter...sunbutter is amazing if you didn't know...

6. Here's a link to a blog I follow...I find her interesting and her kid is adorable. It's a win win...

5. Crock Pot Girls...what? ya it's interesting. It would probably be more interesting if I actually owned a crock pot. They have some recipes on there...did you know you can make cake in a crock pot? Ya...that might be enough to get me to buy a crock pot because I love cake!

4. Another blog I follow that I enjoy. Man, everytime I open this blog it is cuter. I'm kinda jealous 'cause mine's not cute but I don't even have enough knowledge to make it cute, so I gotta just be jealous, I guess. Anyway...I heart this blog...check it out

3. Gotta find out what I can watch tonight on the Wii without turning the Wii on...straight to:

2. I go to this site every morning...more if there's a wootoff...They sell one thing everyday (again, unless there's a wootoff). It's usually nothing I want, and sometimes when I buy something I don't want it anyway lol, but I like to see what they have...everyday

1. What site do I go to more than any other...uggg...ya I have admit my addiction to social networking...

Well, that's it...a tour of my current favorite places on the internet. Now it is time to sleep and get ready for a super fabulous week or pray for patience...that might be a better use of my time...

Mini-vaca is slated for Friday...and I'm super excited because I need to leave town before I high five someone's face...I might have to go get my camera and take you on mini-vaca with me...wanna go? lol


Monday, August 1, 2011

nothing really...

So...I have nothing really legitimate to say...but I was trolling a few minutes ago and saw the perfect gift for every child learning the I heart guts placemat!!

Ok...first, it's sold no fear...second, there's a bunch of letters missing, so wouldn't that just confuse tiny humans?? you really want your child to learn "P" is for prostate and "T" is for testes?? You might have some 'splainin' to do at kindergarten parent-teachers...just saying. I guess there aren't guts for every letter?? Hmm...too tired to figure it out on my own.

Another fine and educational can get a blow up with the guts in their proper places? um...ya probably too educational. I still heart this site.

Speaking of mom's missing a few of hers. Surgery is finally done....little more complicated than originally intended, but isn't everything. We go back Friday to find out if they put everything back where it was supposed to go...oh wait, maybe I'm confused about the reason we're going...right new outlet mall...that's it...not.

Well...better hit the siesta button for this evening because I get to go to work tomorrow and then go make an idiot of myself at the theatre...yay me...I may take a pass on this one's under contemplation.

For now...xoxox