Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 months...oops

So....ya...I committed bloggy sin again...I haven't said anything for 4 months. Trust me, you didn't miss's what's happened the last 4 months...

September - was in Happy Days, the musical...kind of...wanted to shoot myself several times...and it mercifully ended.

October - in rehearsal for A Christmas Cactus...had mucho good times with mi amiga Lisa and some other homies...and not so

Found out my doctor I work for was leaving (might not have been in October...I don't remember, but for drama sake, I dubb it in October)...more sad times...wondered, "what the heck am I gonna do now??" LAME.

November - still in rehearsals...learned all my my wig in the mail and finally figured out what I was gonna More fun times with the homies...DOUBLE YAY!

Got shipped off to Texhoma clinic 3 days a week, where I perfected the art of doing nothing for hours on end and discovered what they did with all the really ugly art work. Got promised it was only for December. Tried to go back to the nursing home...they were fully staffed...double LAME.

Thanksgiving with E...super!

December - production of A Christmas went pretty good. YAY! followed by "show let-down"...booooooooo

Still got to go to Texhoma clinic one day a much for only lasting one month...BAH LAME!


My doctor left town to go to Florida making me thus very very sad....LAME

I devised a way out and transferred to another clinic....YAY!

I got to wear a heart monitor for 14 days and not take my heart medicine...super lame...but I didn't die so YAY.

That brings us up to current times where I leave tomorrow to spend New Year's Eve with E and we will party all night long...or until the bottle runs out...whatever...(the bottle is hers and has milk in it...I don't get a bottle lol) SUPER YAY!

The end.