Thursday, April 25, 2013

The best laid plans....

It takes all kinds of people to make up the world.  Some people are organizers and planners.  I have a friend who I once agreed to go on a trip with, who proceeded to plan the whole trip minute by minute.  Seriously?  What if I have to go to the bathroom at a non-designated bathroom going time? LOL. 

I also know people that plan nothing and are so "fly by the seat of your pants" that they are undependable because they said they'd do something but never planned on it and found something more interesting to do at that moment. 

It takes all kinds.  The organizers help keep the non-planners in check, but they also drive each other crazy.  From the planners we learn the necessity of planning a few things.  And, from the non-planners, we learn to let some things go and wing it.

I think I fall somewhere in between but a little more leaning toward a fly by the seat of my pants girl.  I do plan things occasionally.  Generally though when someone asks me what my plans are for the day, I honestly have no idea.  Most days when I pick up El, I let her pick the plans right then.  Sometimes we don't do what she picks (like when it's 30 degrees or raining and she wants to go to the zoo or when we went to "the fishies" yesterday and she wants to go again today). 

A lot of days, I have a loose plan.  I know some time during that day I need to do laundry and vacuum.  And, some time during that day I need to do this, that, or the other thing.  But I don't plan it out...and if I get distracted and don't get it done, I just do it the next day.  Sometimes I procrastinate too, which is not good when you don't plan. 

The current place I work makes you kind of plan ahead.  They do their schedule a couple of months in advance.  I'm having trouble with this because we are scheduling for June right now and I have no idea what I want to do in June.  So, I just randomly schedule. 

Occasionally I attempt to plan that far in advance and usually it doesn't work out.  For example, Thanksgiving.  I thought everyone was going to be gone, so I scheduled for work all around that holiday and everyone descended on Tulsa to show me once again that planning doesn't work.  (As stated in a previous blog, I found a creative way to get off of work...I cut off my toe.  J/K I'd rather be at work.)

More recently I planned something that I thought would work out perfectly but was planned too far in advance and now it's not going to work out at all.  In fact I probably just scheduled myself right out of the activity that I was trying to schedule into.  But that's how it goes. 

Things like that make me want to not be a planner.  Because when I do plan and it doesn't work out, I tend to get upset with myself or the situation.  I am trying to let that go though as part of becoming a better person.  As a off the cuff person, why should I be bothered when something doesn't work out??  I'm working on that.  If I plan something, I tend to want everyone to stick to that plan.  Well, that doesn't always work out. Sometimes there's too many people to sync up and it was destined for failure.  Sometimes it was just out of our hands to begin with, so trying to plan the unplannable was stupid to begin with.

Who am I to say the plan that someone else (or God) has made is not better than mine?  Who's to say my way was best anyway.  Maybe the new way will work out better...maybe it won't.  But, it is what it is, so let's just fly with it and see what happens.  Who needs plans anyway? 

And now I will digress...because enough serious musing for one day.  Yesterday, we went to the "fishies" (the aquarium here in Tulsa).  E loves the fishies.  She gets genuinely excited every time.  "What is it?!"  She excitedly asks.  Her excitement is contagious, even if it is the same thing it was last time ;)  I like the fishies too, admittedly so I don't mind a trip to the fishies every now and then.  It's indoors so it's good for bad weather, but unfortunately it smells fishy.  If you come to Tulsa, check it out though...'cause it's fun.

Look I can touch the fishies...

A shark is going to eat you!

Petting the sting rays which actually petted her instead.

Divers in the coral exciting!  (I'd not seen that before actually)

I'm gonna kiss the alligator.  (it's a statue if you can't tell).

Well, that's it for now.  My work schedule for the next little bit is a bit of a nightmare, so don't expect excellence any time soon...though clearly you probably weren't expecting it anyway....until next time. 

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