Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A little naughty in all of us

Mischievousness...that's the word that comes to mind recently.  To me, it has no negative connotation...not really.  It's what they said about Peter Pan...about so many of the slightly naughty characters from books.  Clearly there is a fine line, but if one can walk that line well, then what's the harm in being mischievous??

So, when did we lose mischievous?  I think it may come with being a responsible adult, but I don't think it always has to.  I have a brother who is every bit mischievous (generally within the confines of the law...generally).  It's what makes him who he is.  He's a lover of life.  I think it comes from a high degree of intelligence.  He's smart enough to test every boundary he can find and come out okay on the other side.  He doesn't just accept things to be so because someone says they are.  Sure, it gets him in trouble from time to time, but he knows how to get right back out too.  He's a fun guy and without his mischievous nature, he wouldn't be the same long haired, overgrown child that we know and love.  And, who is loved deeply by another mischievous soul who is just learning to test her wings.

It takes all kinds in life.  The responsible adults keep the mischievous ones from completely ruining order and common decency.  But, we all have a little mischief in us.  It's the balance between doing things that might be a little naughty and staying within the box of responsibility that keep us slightly naughty people out of trouble.  This week, we drew on the windows (ooo naughty)...with specially made window markers (back inside the lines of not so naughty).  It's the balance that makes mischief work.  It's the spirit with which it's done.  It's all done in fun.  We enjoyed life.  Today, we enjoyed a tea party on the back deck (nothing wrong with that).  Belle needed to go (oops dolly's outside...naughty)...but we kept her on the blanket and she never touched the ground and she's still clean...(I think that's okay...I hope). 

When we were little, God gave us parents to pull us back when we got to naughty.  Without them, our inner two year old would wreak havoc on the world and it would be utter chaos.  Now that we are older, some of us still have parents to try to pull us back.  (My mom got onto me in Facebook land for the markers on the window.)  It's harder to pull us back as adults though.  It's the lessons instilled in us when we were preschoolers and easily moldable that pull us back as adults.  There's also the guidebook (the Bible) that tells us when we're too naughty.

It all goes back to intent.  Is your intent to harm others?  to deceive others?  to make fun of others?  If yes, then your mischief is not ok.  If you're just getting in touch with your inner child and a little mischief aids in that, then it's okay. 

In this scary world, where terrible things happen all the time, you have to look for the little joys in life.  If you focus all your energy on the bad stuff, then life is no fun.  Of course you can't completely ignore that it happens, but it doesn't have to consume your life.  Enjoy your life.  Let go of what you can't control; work to change the things you can; and enjoy the rest....and take your dollies for a picnic every now and again. 

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed this blog!....Kara Silvey
