The Weekends are TOO short!!
Went to see my niece this I love this kid! She's the cutest baby in life...but I might be a bit partial. If she lived closer, I'd go see her all the time. I guess her parents are probably thanking their lucky stars I'm not closer just about now...just kidding...
We took her down to the tulips at a shopping center and had a little impromptu photo shoot. Their pictures are better than mine, but I caught several good ones. Some day I need to learn everything my camera can do...I'd like to learn to take amazing pictures and not just pretty good ones....but for now these will do...Besides with a subject like that, how can they not be good...even if they were bad ;)
as always, the weekends are too short though...I went to see my friend on Friday so I could get my CPR card (and hit up the casino)...bad news, I did not win anything (well except my CPR card)...And we stayed there too late and I was way tired driving to see my neice and her parents...
Spent Saturday there...well most of it...I kinda got a late start and didn't arrive til noon (we didn't get home from our gambling escapades until after 2:30...oops). That's the day we went to the tulips...she was amazed by these flowers that were bigger than she was. She was overwhelmed when she was sitting in the midst of them (2nd picture). But...she had a good time when she was in front of them...of course what you can't see is the "Keep off the grass" sign like 5 feet away...we like to live dangerously...and no one came after us. Besides only one or two tulips were harmed in the making of this photo shoot...not counting the one she gummed a little (lol). was back to the grindstone today...oh boy was I tired...I didn't get home until 7:45pm and got into town in the midst of what had been a massive wildfire that hit the south side of my is unclear as to whether or not my apartment was evacuated...the guy in the yard told me it was, but it appeared everyone was home...who knows. Anyway...there was quite a bit of damage from what I hear, but I haven't driven around to doesn't seem right some how. Pray for the people who lost their homes or sustained property damage...and pray for RAIN! One elderly person said it is drier now than in the "Dirty 30s"...I don't know if this is true, but I might believe it.
Anyway...I got to bed a little late because of trying to figure out what was going on and making sure I wasn't in any immediate danger. So, I'm tired...exhausted is more like it...and it was a crazy busy day at the last official day is Friday...(even though I'm coming in Sunday so my buddy doesn't have to work alone)...then I start my new jobbie on Monday!! woohoo...excited. People keep asking...and yes, of course...I'm sad to leave the old job. But it's exciting's a change of pace...and it must be what I'm supposed to do because I'm excited about the prospect of change (and if you know me, that's not normal...I don't like when people change things). So...old job, I'll miss you....old co-workers, I'm for sure hard-core miss you...but it's not like I'm dying...I'll be around. Besides, I'm retaining one weekend a month you can't even get rid of me completely...
for now...xoxo
(p.s.--I black & white-d (is that a word) those tulips in the 2nd picture just for fun...lest you think we stumbled on some crazy grey tulips...though that would be cool...just sharing)
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