Friday, April 15, 2011


Perhaps I will rename a section of the blog....the trials and tribs of a downstairs neighbor...but before I get to that...let me tell you something else that's annoying...almost but not quite as much so...

Gas prices...ya I know...everyone complains about gas prices...and I am pretty sure I noticed that it raised again after this sign. I think it's crazy that we are paying this much. Not to sound old or anything, but I remember when it went over a dollar and we were like NO WAY!! I also remember the time I could get back to OKC on $10 or less...'cause I came home a few times because I had no money and if I came home my mom gave me $20 for gas and it only took $10...walla...$10...okay that's a stupid reason to come home...but when you are a poor college student, rationale kind of goes out the window sometimes.

And now for the latest in the battle for some semblance of peace and quiet...a battle lost long ago...

I originally set out to take pictures of things that annoyed me...thus the previous picture and this picture...and I have a picture of a stoplight somewhere. But this evening as I listen to a tiny human run laps on my ceiling (really where are these children coming from??) I am left to wonder what people that live upstairs are really thinking...pretty much I think they only are thinking of themselves.

It's been particularly terrible tonight...these stairs here are metal...the tiny human was outside (for goodness knows what reason) and was throwing something hard over and over down these stairs...ya it's as pleasant as it sounds. After a little while, my dog decided she wanted to go outside (probably to investigate the insanity), so I was going to take her, and opened my door to find the guy from upstairs and a woman (I guess tiny human's mother person) at the bottom of the stairs and tiny human at the top...they were having some measure of "discussion" and returning the object being thrown to tiny human, while ignoring it. Seriously? Do you have no concept of how annoying that sound truly is. (by the way tiny human was super excited at the sight of my dog so to avoid having it come down the stairs, I just brought my dog back inside...hopefully we'll make it back out soon).

Maybe they realized that their makeshift party was not amusing to anyone, but shortly thereafter they took it back inside...great for other people, but way not fun for their downstairs neighbor...ME. Ya...tiny human started sprinting around the house, presumably got in trouble, and then started screaming and crying...yay more good times. (by the way it was now 9:45 at night...don't tiny humans have bedtimes?)

Well...the crying stopped eventually...its and mine...and then the construction work started...I don't think it was real construction work but it sure sounded like it. Someone is hammering something or maybe tiny human is pounding on the floor...dunno...wish it would stop.

AHHHH....crying again...anybody want to guess what it pick me...perhaps SLEEP????

It is now 10:07 p.m. by the clock in the corner of this screen. Tiny human is beating on the floor, the washing machine just started, and size 45 is pacing. ('s theoretically against the rules to run the washer after guy never got that memo 'cause he does it every night). Oh, yay! Must move...must isn't up til July.

Apparently tiny human is spending the night again...goodie...Anybody got a spare room?? or a muzzle? (Either that or mother person doesn't care how long she keeps tiny human out at night...but that wouldn't suprise me either...)

Here's the thing...I know I'm not the only one. Several of my friends have amazing neighbors just like I do. (heck we haven't even started on "slams the door everytime he enters or exits" guy). I don't understand why people who live in upstairs apartments are led to believe no one hears them. Some people should probably admit to themselves that they don't belong upstairs and request to always have downstairs apartments. These people are prime examples.

I wonder if you can request to break your lease for health and safety reasons...such as lack of ability to sleep through the night because a tiny human cannot, lack of relaxation because at any moment the ceiling might collapse and I don't really want them in my living room, and lack of common decency that all upstairs neighbors need to have but seem to not.

Well...I promise to next time find something uplifting to share...hopefully tiny human and clan will go on a month-long vacation...or move....until then....xoxoxo

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahahaha. don and i used to think some of these thoughts when we had our bedroom downstairs. Our girls are not light steppers, if you know what i mean.
