I am amused recently (not haha amused...just hmm that's wierd amused) by the fact that pretty much everyone I know fits into one of 3 categories:
1 - recently had or acquired a baby (recently as in 6 months or less)
2 - expecting a baby...with or without trying...
3 - wanting a baby really bad, but seeming to face obstacles.
It seems like almost every blog I've read recently surrounds a tiny human...strange. In even more strange developments, the guy who lives upstairs (who we less than affectionately refer to as Mr. Stompy-pants because I'm pretty sure he has size 45 tap shoes and has quite a case of the lead-foot) somehow acquired a baby. I've never seen a woman, but it was rather disconcerting to wake up to the sound of a screaming tiny human at 2 a.m. (which by the way is one of my main adversions to having these little people around all the time...I like sleep...my dog understands this, but I doubt a small person would.)
Now, lest you think I'm a horrible person, I don't have a problem with children. I love my neice to pieces and I love to go see her...I even like her when she cries. I also am glad for those friends who are having babies and I hope those who are trying find success and heck I even like seeing pictures of the little things later lol...'cause let's face it, babies are (*mostly*) cute.
I think I've decided I need sleep more than I need one and I like to spend my money on me...sorry. Therefore, if God decides I need one, then he's going to have to find an understanding father for it too that wants to get up in the middle of the night...oh and can cook and likes to clean and is housebroken and well...there's too many *selfish* 'ands'...maybe I just need a housekeeper...
(by the way...If you need a babysitter...call me...I have no definitive life and I'll prove I don't hate children that I don't have to live with ;) lol)
Anyway...I really didn't have anything to blog about and I just found out someone else is pregnant (lol) so I was amused....by the way, the upstairs baby disappeared (or was muzzled) because I haven't heard it again...thank goodness...I don't think upstairs people should have babies, or big dogs, or big feet, or tap shoes....or an affinity for doing laundry at 11 p.m. oh but the list there keeps growing too...bah...I need my own house or a rental house...but it needs to have a garden tub so I can float away to happy-land...question...do they make clawfoot garden tubs??
On other fronts, love my new job...granted I've been there for 2 days and it's probably like a honeymoon period and people will stop being nice soon...who knows...but it's been super busy but I like it...I kinda like looking up and going "wow 4:00 pm...I thought I just got back from lunch"...oh and I like GOING to lunch...not that I don't love nursing home food...ahem...call me on chocolate cake and chicken day and I'll come over...lol
Well...I guess that's all I know for now...xoxo
(ps...that picture has nothing to do with anything, but I didn't have a picture to go with this blog and it was on my computer. It's me and my super cool brother-bear from when I was probably like 3 or so...and my amazing Wonder Woman swim suit...I wonder if I could find that in a big girl version...ah probably not...)
I totally agree.... with all of the above. I know I have a little one now but before- I valued sleep more. Come on upstairs guy!!!! Find a downstairs apt.!