Thursday, April 14, 2011 day I've seen people "Day in the Life" a ton of things...their children, their plants (kinda boring)...etc...I'm sure someone has done their pets before, but here ya go anyway...I was going to do a top 10 list of things I don't like, but trains never come when I want them to....


This is me...Princess...I kinda like the fact that my person never makes the bed because I'd rather sleep on the sheets fact, once she did that "making the bed" thing, but no worries...I fixed it while she was gone and put it back like this...The thing is I'm pretty old (12 or so) and I really would rather not go to all the work. I pretty much do this all day while my person goes out and does whatever she does...

The good news is she leaves me these containers right there with some yummy crunchiness right next to the favorite are those red balls (I know you think I'm color blind, but I'm not)...

My next task of the day takes place, usually at night....

Here's the thing...I don't like sharing my bed with my person, but there is a lovely white rug in the bathroom...I figured out with my feet I can wad it up and make it more comfortable...I don't understand why she keeps straightening takes me a lot of work to get it like I like it...

Later, I go into the kitchen, just to make sure everything still checks out...and there's not something wonderful laying around that I need...usually there isn't 'cause my person doesn't really do that "cooking" thing...hmmmm....we need to work on that....

This stick thing...AMAZING! I request one daily but I really only get it about once a week...again, something we need to work on...

Here's a rare treat...see I LOVE to go outside...but my person moved us to this place with no outside...I mean I guess there is one, but you have to chain up to go there...*dislike*...There is this box through a sliding door where I can go look at outside, but I can't figure out how to get to I'll show you...

Ya, that's what outside looks like under the crack underneath my box...I can't quite fit under there though...anybody have any ideas??

Alright, well...I pretty much have nothing else to share with you because that's pretty much the sum total of my day...occasionally I get to go somewhere, but really it's just this mostly...and I kinda like it.

Ok...get outta here...I'm ready to resume my naptime...

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