Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
out dancing and to walk around again...I bet now you are. Who knows what other mischief you are getting into up there in Heaven, but I know you are there...walking around and having the best time anyone ever had...I'll miss ya...we all will...but I'm glad you're home...
Friday, April 22, 2011
I'm fine...thanks for
So today, I'm going to blog about something that has happened to me about 4 times in the last two weeks...
Do you have family members that are "famous"?? LOL...I apparently do. It has happened ever since we became adults, but now that I'm around more, it happens used to offend me a little, but now I think it's really really funny....let me tell you about it...
Well, the first time it happened I was in a store checking out...the lady didn't say much to me except for the price. When I gave her my credit card, she looked at my name and said, "Hey, how's your brother?" I gave my standard response to that question...'which one?' Of course usually it's the one who doesn't live here, but sometimes not.
You can tell if it's someone who doesn't really know my family, just my brothers, because when I say "which one" they get really confused...sometimes they say, "Um...your brother." like I'm slow..."um ya there are two"...My other favorite response is, "your older brother." What?!? I have an older brother?? Shoot then there are 3...ya I don't have an older brother. One's older than the other of course, but I'm the oldest. Of course, I know they are talking about the big ol' brother bear there because one is bigger than the other so they assume he's older than all of us.
I think it's funny 'cause usually they don't once ask me how I am or what I'm generally surround what they are doing. Sometimes I hear "Hey, you're Hillman's sister...I partied with your brother yesterday." I know which one they are talking about....that's brother bear again....
It happens, work,'s cool though. I mean I didn't even know the lady in the store, so why would she care what I was doing? lol.
It happened again the other night...someone called to ask me when my brother was coming have no idea...he doesn't clear his travel plans through my travel (They did go on to talk to me for a little it was okay.)
I did have someone come up to me recently to ask me how I was doing...sort of. I was at church and someone came up and said, "Hey! Good to see you! How's Oklahoma City?" I thought that was a weird question, but I had been there in the last month, so I answered, "It's good..." I mean to my knowledge there aren't any out of the ordinary things that would make it not good lol. Then that person asked, "where are you working now?" Not a weird question 'cause I changed jobs in the last 2 weeks. "At a doctor's office." He said, "That's it a single practice or several doctors?" I told him the name of the doctor (a local doctor) and pointed in that general direction. He looked puzzled and said, "Oh...I thought you moved..." I said, "no"...and he walked away...dang I guess I'd be cooler if I lived somewhere else
Now don't get me wrong I love my brother people...I just find this funny 'cause it happens all the time. You can still come up to me and ask me about my brothers, but hey, ask me about me too, ok?
"You're don't look old enough to be an RN though" she said.
While I'm not sure how old an RN is supposed to be or look, I answered...
"I'm 34."
She said, "Wow...that will come in handy one day!"
"What will?" I asked
"Looking a lot younger than you are."
hmmm...I'll take that as a compliment I
Well, that's it...I gotta go to bed early, 'cause I'm heading back to the pit in the morning for the weekend...we'll see how 13 full days of work goes...yikes.
For now...xoxo
Monday, April 18, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Happy Saturday!!
Finally...someone I love everyday...Miss Ellarie, my niece...I think she is super cute!
Don't worry, Ellarie...Auntie Leah will come see you in 2 weeks when you have your baby dedication...YAY! I am very excited and I know you are too...(ps...I ordered a pike pass because on my last trip the toll booths annoyed it comes before we leave.)
Well...that's all I know...I'm watching a movie about date violence on is so nothing on tv...I bought the new Harry Potter yesterday...I may have to bust it out.
Tomorrow church...yay...hope you've had a great weekend...xoxo
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011 day
My next task of the day takes place, usually at night....
Here's the thing...I don't like sharing my bed with my person, but there is a lovely white rug in the bathroom...I figured out with my feet I can wad it up and make it more comfortable...I don't understand why she keeps straightening takes me a lot of work to get it like I like it...
Later, I go into the kitchen, just to make sure everything still checks out...and there's not something wonderful laying around that I need...usually there isn't 'cause my person doesn't really do that "cooking" thing...hmmmm....we need to work on that....
Here's a rare treat...see I LOVE to go outside...but my person moved us to this place with no outside...I mean I guess there is one, but you have to chain up to go there...*dislike*...There is this box through a sliding door where I can go look at outside, but I can't figure out how to get to I'll show you...
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I am amused recently (not haha amused...just hmm that's wierd amused) by the fact that pretty much everyone I know fits into one of 3 categories:
1 - recently had or acquired a baby (recently as in 6 months or less)
2 - expecting a baby...with or without trying...
3 - wanting a baby really bad, but seeming to face obstacles.
It seems like almost every blog I've read recently surrounds a tiny human...strange. In even more strange developments, the guy who lives upstairs (who we less than affectionately refer to as Mr. Stompy-pants because I'm pretty sure he has size 45 tap shoes and has quite a case of the lead-foot) somehow acquired a baby. I've never seen a woman, but it was rather disconcerting to wake up to the sound of a screaming tiny human at 2 a.m. (which by the way is one of my main adversions to having these little people around all the time...I like dog understands this, but I doubt a small person would.)
Now, lest you think I'm a horrible person, I don't have a problem with children. I love my neice to pieces and I love to go see her...I even like her when she cries. I also am glad for those friends who are having babies and I hope those who are trying find success and heck I even like seeing pictures of the little things later lol...'cause let's face it, babies are (*mostly*) cute.
I think I've decided I need sleep more than I need one and I like to spend my money on me...sorry. Therefore, if God decides I need one, then he's going to have to find an understanding father for it too that wants to get up in the middle of the night...oh and can cook and likes to clean and is housebroken and well...there's too many *selfish* 'ands'...maybe I just need a housekeeper...
(by the way...If you need a me...I have no definitive life and I'll prove I don't hate children that I don't have to live with ;) lol)
Anyway...I really didn't have anything to blog about and I just found out someone else is pregnant (lol) so I was the way, the upstairs baby disappeared (or was muzzled) because I haven't heard it again...thank goodness...I don't think upstairs people should have babies, or big dogs, or big feet, or tap shoes....or an affinity for doing laundry at 11 p.m. oh but the list there keeps growing too...bah...I need my own house or a rental house...but it needs to have a garden tub so I can float away to they make clawfoot garden tubs??
On other fronts, love my new job...granted I've been there for 2 days and it's probably like a honeymoon period and people will stop being nice soon...who knows...but it's been super busy but I like it...I kinda like looking up and going "wow 4:00 pm...I thought I just got back from lunch"...oh and I like GOING to lunch...not that I don't love nursing home me on chocolate cake and chicken day and I'll come
Well...I guess that's all I know for now...xoxo
(ps...that picture has nothing to do with anything, but I didn't have a picture to go with this blog and it was on my computer. It's me and my super cool brother-bear from when I was probably like 3 or so...and my amazing Wonder Woman swim suit...I wonder if I could find that in a big girl version...ah probably not...)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
all matters of fun and nonsense...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Recycled t-shirt scarf
Here's what I have for you's a scarf that is made out of any ol' tshirt you have laying's better than making a scrap rag...
Here's what it looks like hanging on my super cool wall hanging I got from the Wolf Creek Mini-Mall...