Monday, June 27, 2011

nothing to say...

Well...I don't really have anything interesting to say...but I promised to post more than once a month, so I have to post something. To that's a cute picture...too bad I didn't have a better camera with me.

My family got bit by the cancer monkey but at least it's early and hopefully goes away and takes its banana with it...we'll see what July brings...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

couch to....other couch

So...if you know me, you know my favorite sport it used to be softball but I found that I am deficient in my super rad hitting skills that I used to possess...this causes me much sadness. I can still throw a ball hard and far, but come on..without hitting that's lame...and unless I can hit far I can't get to the base 'cause I'm...well...running impaired.

My brother is a runner. Word on the street...'cause I put it I think he's crazy. Secretly...(pause for a moment of reverence for the great confession)...I am amazed and think it's kinda cool. Not to watch, mind you...but it's like...idk...something I can't do...'cause I'd die.

{this is my brother...he runs...that's his wife...she runs too...}

Well...insert new plan....wait for it....


Ya...totally saw it on the internet...then heard about it on facebook...then again on I thought, what the heck. I have the couch part down pretty well at this point.

Chances are slim to none that I will ever run a 5K....probably more like none to none. But the couch to fridge plan isn't really working, so I better try something different.

Here's where my ingenious plan began...I was gonna run outside, but...well it's hot...and people might laugh at me lol...and the other thing is, I have a lot of things working against me...I'm afraid I'll be like, say, halfway around the lake and my knee will crack in half and I'll be crawl/dragging my wounded leg the rest of the way around the lake (ya mocking city) of my internal organs will explode (say my heart or lungs most likely) and I'll be lying on the ground dead...awkward for other runners/walkers. I figure inside my house, I'll be close enough to the couch that I can drag my bleeding carcass there before I die or can at least die with dignity on my living room floor for the paramedics to find when something starts stinking and someone realizes they haven't seen me in 5 months. hmmm...yummy.

SO...anyway...I have a Gazelle...which is like a glider almost elliptical like thing (you know...guy with the pony tail and steroids...back in the day). So, I started doing it on know glide slow when it says walk and glide fast when it says run...haha...I know right? I need to go outside. I actually get further on the odometer faster than just doing it straight.'s interesting...someday I'll get past level 1...maybe.

So...if you wanna get off the couch and fake run with me, here's the plan...come over to my house. You sit on the couch while I start my run/walk. Then, when I fall off or die, it's your turn. It's a good plan, no?

However, I am currently not residing at my palace because I'm at my mom's you'll have to wait til I get paroled for good behavior...or kicked out for bad's a toss up really.

My other plan was to stop eating chocolate and drinking soda, but come on...really? That's like asking the "Dance Moms" to stop yelling...have you watched that show? Really? really?! I know but it's like a train start watching and you have to keep watching to see how crazy that chick is gonna be...but I digress. Back to running...hmmm...ya I don't really have anything else to say on the subject, so I think I'll go sit on the couch and think about it some more while eating M&Ms and watching TV and contemplating becoming the kind of person who does something not.



forgive me follower for I have's been nearly a month since my blog...(isn't that how a confession goes? idk...i'm Baptist...I just go, 'dude, bad'...ok not exactly.)

So i have nothing novel or interesting to say, but I was reminded of my transgressions of not blogging recently.


So here's the thing...I have a job...they make me work everyday...I know super lame lol. Instead of 4 days off I have the standard 2 (Saturday and Sunday) except for the one weekend a month I work straight through and contemplate quitting sometime around Saturday at 1:30pm.

By the my new job...hate the 90 day probationary period where they force you to take days off but refuse to pay you for them (really 90 days is a long time...the way I go, I could be dead by then)...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting up at 7 am...ok maybe that was too many loves because realistically I would LOVE to the millionth power getting up at 1 pm...but that doesn't work in the real world, so 7am is better than 4:30am, evil manor gods...

I have not created anything interesting or crafty recently..but I have several half finished projects, which I cannot show you yet because they are gifts...and I hope I finish them by ya...tomorrow night?? yikes...I'm a slacker.

Wait...I did create this:

Well...technically...let's get real...God created the strawberries...Baker's created the chocolate...random bamboo hunters in panda bear country created the sticks...but I put them all together...just to see what it looked like...Then I took them apart and took the berries to work where they were eaten, so either everyone was hungry or they were good...or know whatever works. I could eat them everyday...but then I'd be on the couch to refrigerator plan instead of couch to 5K haha...('cause let's face it...I'm one step away from couch to refrigerator now...oops get out of my confessional)

So basically I have nothing else to share at this time. I did 5 hail Apples and a bloody mary and will try to never go more than a week without blogging...

(**disclaimer...I'm sorry if you're Catholic...I'm not making fun, I's for comedic emphasis...or hate me, whatever. )

(**disclaimer #2...Mom...i was just kidding about the bloody's bold and in color so that means it's the gospel truth)

Until next time...hopefully not 8 months from now...remind me on occasion)...xoxoxo